“The developing world is full of entrepreneurs and visionaries, who with access to education, equity and credit would play a key role in developing the economic situations in their countries.”– Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner
Development plays a crucial role in our lives. From personal to global, development is what we always look forward to. Recognizing this need and importance for the dissemination of information, the United Nations celebrates World Development Information Day every year on October 24th.
The UN General Assembly in 1972 established the World Development Information Day to direct people’s attention toward developmental problems and the need to strengthen international cooperation to solve them.
The main aim of this day is to propagate information and mobilize public opinion, especially among young people, in order to draw their attention and create awareness of the problems surrounding development, promoting efforts in the field of international cooperation for growth and development.
To promote prosperity among all countries be it poor, rich, or middle-income while protecting the planet, the UN has proposed 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals recognize and address the global challenges targeted to be achieved by 2030.
• No poverty
• Zero hunger
• Good health and well-being
• Quality education
• Gender equality
• Clean water and sanitation
• Affordable and clean energy
• Decent work and economic growth
• Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
• Reduced inequalities
• Sustainable cities and communities
• Responsible consumption and production
• Climate action
• Life below water
• Life on land
• Peace, justice and strong institutions
• Partnerships for the goals
Certain activities that can be done during World Development
Information Day
▪ Work towards the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. Pick any from it and try to work towards a better world. Initiate the great act on this day by taking a resolution on which issue you shall work for and also involves others to join.
▪ Use technology and social media platform to create awareness and involve the world towards the achievement of the sustainable development goals.
▪ Promote peace. Promote activities that will help in instilling peace and harmony in the society. As the main objective of United nations was to spread peace across the world. Help in involving voluntarily in such activities and help in promoting peace in day to day lives.
▪ Conflict resolutions skills has to be included as activities in day-to-day life to help us handle emotions. Learning to handle stress and conflict is very
important to promote peace and harmony. hence activities and training can be conducted on handling emotional and mental well-being of people.
▪ Take part in humanitarian cause. Volunteer for charity works. Fund raiser for Charity. Conduct surveys and find out the people in need of basic needs of livelihood. Conduct Humanitarian drive and involve many to work together for this cause.
▪ Working towards sustainable environment is also one of the major objectives of United Nations. Involving in environmental activities will also help in obtaining this objective. Awareness sessions can be conducted online and people can bemade aware on the importance of protecting the environment.
This October 24th, let us not stay ignorant anymore and turn a blind eye toward global goals. Let us work toward the betterment of our homes, our countries, our world by harnessing the power of information and witness drastic game-changing improved results.