Vimové: Prologue

VIMOVÉ foundation is an organization that works on four major areas of social development, Education, rural development, art and culture and social innovations.

It is an initiative taken by Mr. Vinay Shindhe, founder of the organization with a mission to bring together the best global practices to create cost effective social impact solutions, corporate thinking, and accountability standards of corporate governance to create a model of sustainable development and can be replicated at scale.
Education is the most repeatedly used term in our country, but the importance of the same is known to a very minimal number of the population. Hence, this organization makes an effort to bring in the holistic and quality education for the better future of the Government school children. Here, quality includes health, hygiene, and best technology for both learning and infrastructure. This creates a better environment and practical knowledge about the subject and simultaneously motivates children to regularly attend school. This helps to teach and simultaneously encourage the hidden talent of the children by providing a better platform. The government school children are also provided with the scientific materials for experiments and few gadgets to have technical knowledge of those instruments and at the same time teachers training are also given to help teachers use the latest technology available to make the learning more interesting.

On the other hand, we can see another loophole of modernizing ourselves to that extent where we forget our roots. To recall and not let the art and culture vanish, this organization helps in encouraging the children to take part in different art and cultural activities and simultaneously conduct programs around the city to encourage the budding artists and the existing artists to convey their message through their variety of talents. This will not only help the artists but also is a common ground for a different group of people from different backgrounds to meet and greet and also know each other. This makes way for the people to work on their common ideas together for a better society.
As we all know, India is a country of villages. And the same villages are lacking in development. Though most of the villages are getting many facilities, they are still not up to date and not all the villagers are getting the facilities. To overcome this problem, few of the villages in Bangalore were selected and the solar streetlights were provided to the villages which were a major need in the village from quiet a long time. This did not just provide the facility but also spread a message on reducing electricity and the importance of energy.
And the last target, social innovation is considered as another important development area because, lately we can see that technology rules over the world. To bring in information, connect people, communicate, understand and to be accurate technology plays a major role. The technological help is considered to mediate with our sponsorers, supporters and the government schools for better communication and development of the institutions. In fact, technology is the most important tool for any plan to put into action. Hence, it is a Digital Social Innovation of a Social enterprise and mostly to connect the development with technology. In this process, the companies can track the progress of the ideas and implementations through digital sources on a daily basis. This not only keeps them updated but also creates trust towards the organization. It is a cloud-based technology that integrates the stakeholders from different sectors to be a part of the initiative and simultaneously observe the progress in the schools. This also reaches to the mass at a very short period of time and with the clear data. Hence the sources can be trusted. This increases the performance and credibility of the organization too. It helps to measure the impact on development.
Considering these four major areas of development, VIMOVÉ team is looking forward for many more such sectors that require development and that also helps for the rural development.